I just feel so disconnected from people, even from my own family.

I feel that they do not listen to me and yet try to use me. I feel like being used subtly, ignored mostly.

I did create my wall for a purpose, for this exact purpose that I may be left alone and yet it is hard. I feel invisible. I feel like just an object.

All I wanted deeply is to feel that someone sees me. Hears me. Feels me. I am but a passerby in this world. The day couldn’t be any faster.


I’ve been wanting to tell them what’s going on inside my mind; why I easily get tired, why there are days that I crave for my own space, why I usually need silence. There’s this pounding on the corners of my head, and it feels like those are the untold stories of my life screaming to be finally set free; but there are no words to exactly describe what’s happening to me, that even mustering a certain part of it drains my whole being. My body’s functioning well—lungs still filled with air, while heartbeat is still there; but sometimes, I can’t find a reason why I must have it still.

—Ren Ednalig | 17th

It’s 2023! Early Morning Thoughts

Oh wow it’s been a while since I blogged. Well, forgive me, Self, for the transition to night work took some time. And if only you knew, my 2022 birthday did not start on a good foot. But don’t worry, it will get better soon. So back to the topic: I saw this Twitter post by Satyen Kumar on 7 Rules of Life and I just have to have my own spin to it.

From https://twitter.com/SatyenKumar/status/1502038501797380107?s=19

1. Past is past and we have no real control over it. Better put the effort we once used to obsess over the past to enjoy the present or make amends or correct our past mistakes. Then also hope or prepare for the future.

2. Trying to think what others think of or feel about you is exhausting and time-wasting. As long as you’re not doing evil, let them be. It’s only jealousy or boredom from their end. On the flip side, still use this a feedback towards your behavior or actions and adjust / improve accordingly.

3. That saying about waiting is right. “In God’s perfect timing.” Also getting older, a bit wiser… reflecting on past actions or events usually leads to an “aha” moment or clarity… patterns or coincidences or rare moments, they may start to finally make sense.

4. We tend to blame others or externals factors and make excuses for most of our misery… but sometimes, if not most of the time, we are capable of being content or even happy. A change in perspective, a move towards improvement, or a decisive action can help. There are exception to this, like generational poverty or abuse… but still, there are rags-to-riches stories ans success stories of the abused becoming better and happier. So, nope, no excuse. Sometimes, it’s our choice.

5. Comparison is the thief of joy. How many have I heard, people earning more than us, people working abroad, people younger than me with a higher position. Truly if I still think about it, I’ll keep seeing myself as a failure. I might become permanently depressed or anxious or maladjusted. So I changed my point of view: I only try my best to compare my old self to my present self. I have come a long way. I have been blessed, protected, taken care of. I have experienced wonders and simple joys. I have a roof, I have food, I have my overlord cats, I have family with good health, I have my hobbies and sparkly things. I am doing good, thank you so much.

6. When I was young, I had special interests and throughout the years they change… and now I have lots of odd facts and tidbits on my brain that I do not know when it will be useful, maybe on a quiz bee? I wish I were taught more practical skills but in the end one can learn things like sewing to repair holes, cook pasta that is not spaghetti, and know where to buy a particular item. And more importantly, I wish I did not really wasted time thinking about things that do not affect me or do not benefit me at all, like what people think of me, what if I did this or that, those kind of thinking. Reflect but not ruminate.

7. I guess the lyrics from SMILE by Nat King Cole is a good example:

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through for you

Well, bye!